Gamma consulting LLC
Address: 17A D. Guramshvili Ave., Tbilisi, 0192, Georgia
Telephone: (+995 32) 260 44 33
(+995 32) 261 44 34
Key Contacts
George Mirotadze
Number of employees: 104
Company Overview
The company offers a wide range of services: designing of facilities in different economic fields (for both – construction and operation stages), such as: energy, mineral resource study, extraction, processing and transportation; transport and communication facilities; oil and oil product receiving and reloading terminals; port facilities; etc. The company carries out consultations in different sectors of industry and agriculture, furthermore in the fields of enterprise efficiency, risk quality, control and management. Apart from that, “Gamma Consulting” Ltd. specializes in preparation of recommendations for operational innovations and development, and conducting of enterprise expertise and audit, as well as marketing studies of different nature.
Key practice areas and sectors
Designing of industrial and infrastructural facilities of various purposes; copyright and technical supervision of construction; ecological services, including environmental monitoring; research and exploitation of natural resources of underground hydrosphere; water supply and provision of the population with quality potable water; laboratory services (chemical analysis of water, soil, air; microbiological study of water and soil; determination of asbestos content in air and solid materials).
Key professional activity
Engineering, architecture, project management, planning, environment, multilateral disciplines, geodesy, laboratory research.